The Hourchive is a Conversation About Everything, one hour at a time.

Ep #183 | Air Travel, Google's New Logo, and Fan Force Friday

We're turning off the "fasten seatbelt" sign and climbing to 33,000 feet for a turbulent discussion spanning the friendly skies. In the event of a water landing, The Hourchive can be used as a floatation device. 

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Show Notes
The Prefatorium
01:03 Comments: Ep #181 | Books

03:30 Interlude: Fugazi: "Merchandise"

The Percolator
05:40 Fan Force Friday
12:30 Google's new logo

19:05 Interlude: Ladytron: "Jet Age"

Feature: Air Travel
00:00 The Dulles mobile lounge

Ep #184 | Disney World (Part 1)

Ep #182 | Anime, an Optimistic Tom Delonge, and a Farewell to Wes Craven