The Hourchive is a Conversation About Everything, one hour at a time.

Ep #283 | Monsters

Ep #283 | Monsters


Awesome Spooky Month 2017 continues as we survey the monstrous spectrum of creatures, abominations, and perversions of nature from Cthulu to Cookie Monster. 

Show Notes
The Prefatorium
01:01 Comments: Ep #282 | Horror Comedies
06:40 The Five Blobs: The Blob
The Hourchive: Monsters
07:25 Ep #5 | Classic Movie Monsters | Ep #7 Modern Movie Monsters
09:30 Robot Monster trailer
14:33 *Spoiler Alert* The Babadook
16:35 *End Spoiler* 
20:43 *Spoiler Alert* Super 8
25:09 *End Spoiler*
33:10 Drew's favorite Sesame Street monster
34:15 Muppet Family Christmas
41:08 Lovecraftian Great Old Ones

Ep #284 | Paranormal Communication

Ep #284 | Paranormal Communication

Ep #282 | Horror Comedies